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New Septic Installations

Podgurski Corporation

When a home needs a new septic system installed, whether for new construction or replacement of a failed system, you can count on Podgurski Corporation to make it all easy for you.

Podgurski is ahead of the competition when it comes to site prep and foundation work for new construction or new systems. Builders and contractors have depended on Podgurski Corp to have the right equipment and the right expertise to prepare any site.

Septic Systems and Title 5 regulations require a percolation (perk) test to verify that the grounds are appropriate for the system. Podgurski will recommend an engineer to complete the perk test and draw the design for the new system. We will get all the appropriate approvals necessary from your town’s government agencies and provide you with a comprehensive estimate for the work that needs to be done.

Once the estimate is approved, we will install the system and, if a replacement of a previous system, can restore your grounds to their original design or any design you’d like, including landscaping, replacement of trees, replacement of the system tanks, new tanks if required. For new systems, we can provide the same services if desired.

Find out more about the rules and regulations for Massachusetts Septic Systems..

Don’t wait until your system becomes inoperable to call for service. Keeping track of when you last had your system serviced is easy with our Yearly Reminder Program.

  • Yearly Reminder Program Registration Form

How Can We Help?
